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National Sexual Assault Resources and Statistics

Updated: May 2, 2019

national sexual violence resources statistics

Sexual assault rates have dropped by half since 1993. This is tremendous, however there are still statistics, provided by RAINN, that are alarming.

RAINN sexual assault statistics

There are also statistics showing where people in the United States are most likely to get sexually assaulted.

RAINN sexual assault statistics

My friend Kenz sent me some sexual assault resources she was provided by her college! They're national resources, but I will be providing a local resource (local to San Luis Obispo, California) for the people specifically in my area as well!


National Sexual Assault Resources

*click on any of the bold titles, to head to the organization's website

"Through the federal civil rights laws and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, OCR protects your fundamental nondiscrimination and health information privacy rights."

"If you identify as LGBTQ and have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault (including dating violence or stalking) you have the right to receive support and services."

24 Hour English/Spanish Hotline: 212.714.1141

Calling the National Sexual Assault Hotline gives you access to a range of free services including:

  • Confidential support from a trained staff member

  • Support finding a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault and offers services like sexual assault forensic exams

  • Someone to help you talk through what happened

  • Local resources that can assist with your next steps toward healing and recovery

  • Referrals for long term support in your area

  • Information about the laws in your community

  • Basic information about medical concerns

Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.

"Highly-trained advocates offer support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. We also provide information and support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service providers and members of law enforcement. Free and confidential phone, live chat and texting services are available 24/7/365."

Chat at Text loveis to 22522* Call 1.866.331.9474

"Under Title IX, schools are legally required to respond and remedy hostile educational environments."

"...aims to empower students to end sexual and dating violence in their schools. We envision a world in which all students can pursue their civil right to educations free from violence and harassment."

"For almost 100 years, the ACLU has worked to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States."


Self-help For Women That Have Escaped Abusive Relationships And Need To Heal Themselves. It's About Overcoming Lies, Betrayal, Abuse And Learning To Heal Oneself And Become Unstoppable In Their Lives.


"Though the majority of violent acts against women are committed by men, the vast majority of prevention efforts are risk-reduction and self-defense tactics directed at women. The founders wanted to shift the responsibility of deterring harm away from women by promoting healthy, nonviolent masculinity. Their vision offered a plan for prevention that outlines positive, proactive solutions to engaging men as allies, inspiring them to feel motivated and capable to end men’s violence against women."

"The Planning Tool helps create an action plan by assessing and weighing the user’s preferences and situation. Users compare factors of commitment to relationship, privacy, social life, safety, and studies to better understand their priorities and decide on an action plan from the suggested strategies. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911."

"The Stalking Resource Center envisions a future in which the criminal justice system and its many allied community partners will have the best tools to effectively collaborate and respond to stalking, improve victim safety and well-being, and hold offenders accountable."

Local Resource: RISE | San Luis Obispo, California

"Traumatic events—whether physical or psychological—have short-term and long-term effects on your health. Even if you don’t have physical injuries, your health may be impacted. If you’ve experienced sexual assault/abuse or intimate partner violence, you may want to think about how those experiences are affecting your health. You may want to seek medical care."


national sexual assault resources statistics


More statistics from RISE:

1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.

About 3% of American men — or 1 in 33 — have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.

Victims of sexual assault are:

3 times more likely to suffer from depression.

6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

13 times more likely to abuse alcohol.

26 times more likely to abuse drugs.

4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.

Approximately 2/3 of rapes were committed by someone known to the victim.

73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger.

38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance.

28% are an intimate partner.

7% are a relative.

1 in 4 women report experiencing domestic violence in their lifetimes.

Intimate partners committed 30% of homicides of females.

Women account for 85% of the victims of intimate partner violence, men account for approximately 15%.

Nearly 2.2 million people called a domestic violence crisis or hot line in 2004 to escape crisis situations, seek advice, or assist someone they thought might be victims.

Studies show that access to shelter services leads to a 60-70% reduction in incidence and severity of re-assault during the 3-12 months’ follow up period compared to women who did not access shelter. Shelter services led to greater reduction in severe re-assault than did seeking court or law enforcement protection, or moving to a new location.

Approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.

Teen victims of physical dating violence are more likely that their non-abused peers to smoke, use drugs, engage in unhealthy diet behaviors, engage in risky sexual behaviors, or attempt or consider suicide.

Individuals who are controlling of their partners are much more likely to also be physically aggressive, and this holds equally for both male and female perpetrators.

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